Casques verts de l'ONU : la traduction en anglais de la pétition

Publié le par Michel M. Vital-Aêt

La proposition, accompagnée d'une pétition de soutien que nous avons mise en ligne sur ce blog en mars dernier a connu un réel succès puisque de très nombreux internautes sont venus en prendre connaissance et des signatures viennent chaque semaine s'ajouter à celles qui dès l'origine témoignaient de l'intérêt suscité par ce texte.

Il nous a été demandé de publier la version anglaise de ce texte, que nous diffusons ci-après, afin de permettre à des bloggers étrangers de s'intéresser à cette question et de nous témoigner à leur tour de leur appui.

Par ailleurs, nous remercions Roland BRANQUART, homme de communication et spécialiste des questions de développement durable, d'avoir bien voulu consacrer sur son blog un article à notre propositiion dont il diffuse le texte en signalant notre site.

 À notre tour de recommander la visite de son blog "C'est durable", remarquable contribution, actualisée chaque semaine et enrichie de réflexions de grande qualité sur la communication sur le deévekloppement durable émanant d'un des meilleurs spécialistes de la place de Paris sur ces sujets :


Version en anglais de la proposition en faveur de la création de casques verts de l'ONU pour la protection de la biodiversité :

Text of the petition:

 Soon green helmets of UNO ?

 First signatories :

Vital-Aêt Michel; Thierry K.Ventouras; Sophie Vital; Sylvie Roussel; Gian Free Scavazza; Michelle Berzosa; Philippe Haumont; Yasmine Ventouras; Mathieu Laurient; Claudia Laurient-Savoini; Christine Migliore; Pascal Migliore; Luigi Ferrara Santamaria; Livia Ferrara Santamaria; Olivier Prètre, President of association "Mission Planet Ground"; Sabrina Migliore; Benoit of Armagnac; Laure Drieberg; Alain Montier; Xavier Dugoin; Michel Lipnitzky; Krimmel Horst-Dieter; Benoit Raudrant, Michel Raidot, Helene Raidot, Xavier Goetschy, Denis Richard, Marlyse Cheuwa, Edoardo Pavia, Alexandre de Muralt, Pierre Guibbaud, Patrizia Guibbaud, Peter Barnouw, Roland Branquart, Carole Hernandez, Laurent Branquart, Herve Boulmier, Myriam Nezzar, Alexis Bardout, Nil Salvy, Maud Lanaud, Julie Pairault, Claire Schilis, Laurence Foucault, Pierre Schneider, Eloïse Lanaud,




We the undersigned :

- Stating the irreparable attacks to biodiversity caused in national parks and land - or maritime - natural preserve in warzone: recurrent inter-ethnic conflicts, civil wars, cross-border illicit traffics (in particular poaching and trade of skin and meat forbidden by international conventions) ;

- Stating serious risks which, because of the present situation, threaten the very existence of certain animal species, like apes - whose disappearance is now very likely, for example bonobos or moutain gorillas - and the safeguard of the ecosystems and even of the life of native populations who are victims of collateral damages caused by these troubles.

- Stating the unsuccessful realization of the 1991 initiatives, taken 15 years ago, by his Excellency Francisco MAYOR, general director of the UNESCO and of the european Comission :

* to create an international juridiction put in charge of judging crimes against the environment,

* and to set up an Environment Police given the responsability of restoring the order and stopping attacks against the environment ;

Hereby observing that some developing countries were afraid of the appearance of an "Ecologic Order" imposed by rich countries to disadvantaged countries ;

- Stating the aggravation and the proliferation of the conflicts observed in different areas of the world, land and sea ;

In view of the UNO Charter,

In view of the international convention on biodiversity signed in Rio de Janeiro on the 5th of june 1992,

In view also of the entire international conventions listed in appendix (1)

In view of the petition named "Safeguard of the Apes" launched the 9th of december 2004 by Pascal Picq, professor at the Collège de France.

Suggest :

1) The elaboration of an international convention determining the conditions of the setting up of an international policy of prevention and repression of the attacks against the Humanity World Heritage and the fragile ecosystems integrated in national parks or natural preserve listed by the UNO ;

2) The composition of a High Authority of the Environment in the form of a High Commission following the example of existing structures (refugees, human rights) ;

3) The creation of an international police of the environment placed under the control of the UNO and the High Commission within, who could intervene by request of the Government where these situations would have been noticed or by request of the regional intergovernmental organization of which it is a member ;

This International Police of the Environment would be made of Green Helmets brigades composed of national contingents of civil security or civil protection officers formed on proposition of the regional intergovernmental organization of the countries concerned with the troubles or attacks that would need support ;

Decide :

To hand over this very petition at the 10.000th signature to Mr. the Foreign Secretary of the French Republic on the territory where it was born, so he may make a request to the UNO and competent intergovernmental organizations, in the form of a proposal of the french Government.

To send this petition to the european commissioner for the environment.


(1) Appendix listing the international conventions whose application would imposed through the police of the environment proposed by the present petition :

- Convention on the technics of modification of the environment of 1976,

- Protocole I of 1977, additional to the Geneva conventions of 1949 relative to the protection of international armed conflicts victims,

- Convention for the protection of the cultural heritage in case of armed conflicts of 1954,

- Treaty about seas bottom of 1971,

- Convention concerning the protection of the world heritage, cultural and natural of 1972,

- Convention for the ban of bacteriological weapons of 1972,

- Convention for the ban or the limitation of the use of some classical weapons of 1980,

- Convention for the ban of chemical weapons of 1993,

- Convention on the use of international waterways - other that navigation - of 1997,

- Convention for the ban of the use, storage, production and transport of antipersonnel mines and for their destruction of 1997.


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